Argos again pays attention to the fate of Vietnamese children after their arrival in Europe. Two years ago, we revealed that at least 60 Vietnamese children were missing from shelters that should protect them from human traffickers. After that broadcast, a major investigation was launched into "the nature and extent of Vietnamese human trafficking in the Netherlands". In Belgium and Germany, fellow journalists are also putting the subject on the political agenda. The German colleagues made this documentary (English subtitles) about it.

How could things - despite the attention of politicians and police - end so badly with Hieu and Quyen? For the first time, Quyen and Hieu's lawyer tells their story. And, with the help of Belgian and German colleagues from Lost in Europe, we find new puzzle pieces about the last, fatal journey of the two boys.

Huub Jaspers
Huub Jaspers
Sanne Terlingen
Sanne Terlingen

Language: Dutch

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